
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Well, its not all she does :)

    The secret is out, my wife......runs. Yea, I know, crazy huh? Me personally, I don't run. (Unless being pursued by an angry mob of people who are mad at me for stealing their town's last Fruit Punch Capri Sun!) It was one of those crazy two o'clock in the afternoon power nap dreams. Your guess is as good as mine.

     Back to my wife's running. We are not talking Forrest Gump "If I was going somewhere, I was Ruuunning" here. She is more into the fitness aspect of the running lifestyle. Lately, it is pretty common around the Epton household for my wife to start a question towards me out with "So! What do you think about.....". The blank could be filled in with various things such as: "me running in this Myrtle Beach 1/2 marathon", "me doing the Disney Princess race", "me flying to Kenya to train with one of those little dark men". Ok, I made that up, there is no Myrtle beach 1/2 marathon, lol. I stand by my wife one hundred and ten percent in all of her adventures. She has more on her plate than the average person for sure, and yet she manages to achieve every darn thing she sets out to do. And more importantly, in all of her over achieving adventures, she still manages her time so that she can be the best mother and most incredible wife a man could ask for. Her priority list has always been the same, no matter what sort of craziness she has going on outside of our home.
Hope Eptons Priority List
1. Family
2. Career/School
3. Stephens Hot Lovin' (I know, this should be one, I agree!)
3. Adventures (Beachbody, racing, training etc..)

  The fact that she has never let anything get in the way of our family keeps me motivated to keep her motivated! (That make sense?) Hope loves challenges, thats a fact!
Hope Vs. The World
 Hope has encouraged me to express my feelings and views on different topics via a "blog". She purchased this sweet domain name "" and I intend to let my creative juices flow. I have always enjoyed writing and what more perfect way then to get on the train and blog! Not all of my writings will relate to "my wife running", I am a pretty random guy, so most of them will be pretty random indeed. This is my first attempt, hopefully it goes well and I can entertain a few people in the process!

1 comment:

  1. I think I could see Hope taking on a sumo wrestler. I bet she'd lift that sucker and throw him out of the circle.
